About Us
At BizAudit, we offer one of the best internal audits and risk consulting services in Dubai and UAE overall. We are еxреrіеnсеd in the audit of all types of organizations and business structures, including іntеrnаtіоnаl enterprises, ѕubѕіdіаrіеѕ of foreign organizations, family businesses, and partnerships. We also audit public sector and non-рrоfіt organizations such аѕ hospitals, charities, foundations, professional associations and trusts.
BizAudit - your reliable business parner
Best Internal Audit Support in Dubai and UAE
At BizAudit, we offer one of the best internal audit and risk consulting services in Dubai and UAE overall. We are experienced in auditing all types of organizations and business structures, including international enterprises, subsidiaries of foreign organizations, family businesses and partnerships. We also audit public sector and non-profit organizations such as hospitals, charities, foundations, professional associations and trusts.
We don’t view audits as an additional overhead or unnecessary hassle, but as a great opportunity to review your business. We offer our clients a pragmatic yet comprehensive approach to internal audit and risk services – one that will ensure you can extract the maximum value from our relationship. Our focus is to understand your business and the risks you face before tailoring a customized audit and assurance approach.
Critical to good governance and business performance, our internal audits provide rigorous and independent support that is fully compliant with the needed standards. Not just that, we support our clients in creating a strong culture of ethics, good governance, and reliable reporting.
We deliver, support and transform the internal audit functions by engaging smart people, a smart approach and smart technology. This combination delivers real value to our clients and helps them improve their performance. We undertake regular reviews of our audit processes to ensure best practice, while keeping it cost-effective for your business.
As an Internal Audit service provider, we add value to your business by:
- Helping management with risk identification, risk assessment and risk management of company’s processes
- Devising appropriate conclusions and advising proven solutions to the management to improve the overall business performance
- Assisting in the development of sound internal systems and standard operating procedures
- Ensuring that the requirements of the regulatory and/or funding bodies (such as banks) are met
Risk Identification
Helping management with risk identification, risk assessment and risk management of company’s processes
Management Decisions
Devising appropriate conclusions and advising proven solutions to management to improve the overall business performance.
Operating Procedures
Assisting in the development of sound internal systems and standard operating procedures is our expertise.
How we can help
Organizations establish an independent internal audit function to provide continuous review of the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
Our reviews deliver real value through:
- Benchmarking against current best practice
- Assessing value for money
- Delivering pragmatic advice on improving the approach to internal audit
- Providing assurance to Boards and Audit Committees that internal audit is focused and managed effectively
- Providing independent, unbiased assessment of the operations of the organization.
- Providing management with information on the effectiveness of risk management, control and - governance processes.
- Acting as a catalyst for improvement in risk management, control and governance processes.
- Acting as advisors to the management by informing them what they needs to know, when they needs to know it.
The dedicated professionals at BizAudit become an extension of your organization and provide a thorough understanding of internal controls, system controls, and business processes. We organize our professionals by industry so you gain the efficiency of working with a turnkey team- one that is already well versed in the requirements and best practices of your industry and can provide you with excellent value in exchange for the time and resources you invest in your audit.